An unofficial blog on the archaeological excavation at Horbat Omrit, northern Israel. 22 May to 22 June 2010.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, Jan. 21

Last post. Still raining! Though it quit around noon. The morning spent packing and lunch at Luizza, my new favorite restaurant. Then, with Greg driving, off to the coast and Akko where I caught a train directly to the airport. Swift indeed. Stopped off at Kedesh, across the Hula Valley from us. There is a later Roman temple there also that has never been dug.

Greg at Kedesh

Sarcophagi at Kedesh

Sunset over the Mediterranean


Anonymous said...

Wow Bill - what an excellent recap of your January adventures in Omrit - I read your posts for the whole trip - sounds like you did a ton of work - Thank you - Nanette

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