An unofficial blog on the archaeological excavation at Horbat Omrit, northern Israel. 22 May to 22 June 2010.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday, we begin the trip home, 3 days in Jerusalem and then a 13 hour flight to Atlanta. John, Mickey and I have our own wheels and so start out with a latte at Katusha Corner. Katushas are the rockets that fell there in abundance during the last war with Lebanon. Then to Megiddo, the location of Armegeddon as outlined in Revelation. It dominates a valley that was a major road from Egyptian times on. Lots of battles there so it became a metaphor. The ultimate metaphor. There was a lot of archaeological activity there and we mouched a tour of one of the sites. We are, after all, comrades.

In Jerusalem, we're at a fancy hotel from which we can almost see the old city.


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